
Automatic Watch Winder

Automatic watch winder memutarkan jam tangan otomatis agar jam tangan tersebut terus berjalan dan tidak mati. Jam tangan yang mati berbulan-bulan akan menurun performa-nya karena pelumas di antara gigi mekanisme jam menjadi kering dan menimbulkan friksi berlebihan saat jam berdetik. Jam tangan otomatis yang mengalami kerusakan seperti ini biasanya menunjukan tanda-tanda sebagai berikut: power reserve menurun, terasa berat saat memutar crown jam tangan, jam tangan tidak akurat.

Automatic watch winder juga membebaskan anda dari men-setting ulang jam, tanggal, bahkan perpetual calendar jam tangan yang sudah lama mati.

BillStone Watch Winder

Watch winder BillStone di design untuk memutar jam tangan dengan optimal: tidak terlalu sedikit dan tidak terlalu banyak, agar jam terawat dengan sempurna dan jam tidak perlu diservis terlalu sering. Watch winder BillStone dibuat dengan bahan kayu eksotis, mesin presisi, dan finishing yang membuat watch winder sangat mewah. Apabila anda mempunyai koleksi jam tangan berharga, rawatlah mereka dengan BillStone watch winder.

Jual Watch Winder

Kami menjual watch winder yang tidak akan merusak jam tangan anda. Hati-hati dengan watch winder murah yang berputar terlalu banyak dan merusak jam dengan medan magnet yang terlalu kuat dan dekat dengan jam. Watch winder yang kami jual dijamin akan memuaskan kebutuhan jam tangan otomatis anda.


Automatic Watch Winder

An automatic watch winder rotates your automatic watch so that it keeps on ticking. With every rotation from the watch winder, the watch’s rotor moves and wind a hairspring that powers its movement. An automatic watch usually has a maximum power reserve of 72 hours, so if it is not worn or wound within 72 hours, it will stop. The lubricant that keeps the watch’s gears moving smoothly will dry up if there is no movement for more than 6 months, which will cause excessive friction within the watch’s mechanism and thus leading to accelerated wear and tear, reduction of the watch’s maximum power reserve, and reduced watch accuracy. The sure way to tell if your watch’s lubricants have dried up: if it takes noticeably more effort than usual to rotate the watch’s crown to wind your watch, the lubricants probably have dried up.

An automatic watch winder also frees you up from having to reset the time, date, and perpetual calendar of a watch that have not been worn for a while.

BillStone Watch Winder

BillStone watch winders are designed to optimally wind your automatic watches: not too little, and not too much, so that your watch is well-maintained and does not need to be serviced too often. BillStone watch winders are built with the finest wood material, precision machineries, and detailed finishing that gives the watch winder a luxurious touch so you can display it with pride. If you have a collection of expensive watches, maintain them with a BillStone watch winder.

Watch Winder Box

We sell watch winder box that do not harm your watch. Be careful with cheap watch winders that rotates your watches too much and cause over-winding, and whose motors are positioned too close to your watch which might damage your watch by electromagnetic field generated by the motor. Our watch winder box is guaranteed to take good care of your automatic watches.
